Writer Padmabhushan is an Indian Telugu-language comedy-drama film that premiered on ZEE5 on 17 March 2023. The film was released in theatres on 3 February 2023. The story revolves around an aspiring writer named Padmabhushan who is the only child of his parents and wants to become a famous writer. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Writer Padmabhushan”:
As: Padmabhushan
Tina Shilparaj
As: Sarika
Sri Gouri Priya
As: Kanna
Rohini Molleti
As: Saraswati
Role: Padmabhushan’s mother
To Know more about her, click here ➡️ Rohini Molleti’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Ashish Vidyarthi
As: Madhusudhan Rao
Role: Padmabhushan’s father
To Know more about him, click here ➡️ Ashish Vidyarthi’s StarsUnfolded Profile
Goparaju Ramana
Role: Sarika’s father
To Know more about him, click here ➡️ Goparaju Ramana’s StarsUnfolded Profile